Injured Passenger in a Car Accident? Know Your Rights

There are thousands of car collisions and accident happening in Nevada each year. And Las Vegas is no stranger to that as well. What’s worse is that the figure is increasing in recent years. In these unfortunate events, car drivers aren’t the only ones injured. Passengers too get injured or even killed as a result of these horrific instances.

As the car driver, many people have a general idea of what to do when they figure in a car accident. Check for injuries, call for help, contact the police, and report the events that transpired. One should also contact the insurance company for the purpose of filing a claim.

But as a car passenger, what should one do?

If you’re involved in a car accident as a passenger, would you know what to do? Do you know what injuries are covered by your insurance provider? To whom do you go to seek compensation for injuries sustained? Who should foot your medical bills?

Here are general pointers for a car passenger involved in a car collision or accident.

Just like in any car accident, you, as a car passenger, should always check your person first for any injury. See if you have bruises, lacerations, torn muscles, or broken bones. When able, check your driver and other passengers, if any, for injuries. If you can, move away from the car and into a safe area.

Another priority is to seek medical attention for the injuries. Call 911 if you have your phone with you. You also need to call for help from other people nearby.

Collect information on the circumstances surrounding the car crash. This is crucial when you want to file a claim against the person who caused the accident. You may also need the information when you want to file a claim with your insurance provider.

Write It Down

When able, put into writing the circumstances surrounding the accident. The sooner the better as they are still fresh in your mind. You tend to forget the details the longer it takes you to jot it down.

Get a Police Report

Don’t forget to obtain a police report. It is an official document that gives an account of what happened. This is a crucial piece of paper that you can use to establish your claim should you pursue it in court.

Avoid Discussing the Details with Other Drivers

Generally you should never give any recorded or official statement to anyone else except to law enforcement officers or medical personnel responding at the scene. Never discuss your circumstances or other details of the car accident with other drivers or their insurance provider. Your words could be used against you and could jeopardize any legal action you may institute in the future.

Seek Medical Attention

Delayed injury symptoms are not uncommon in car accidents. Perhaps it’s the adrenaline rush or the mind is flooded with other thoughts that you can’t immediately feel the pain right after the car accident. As a result, some symptoms may only manifest days or weeks thereafter.

In addition to physical pain, injured persons may also experience mental trauma and emotional disorientation. So it’s important to seek help from a medical professional, not only immediately after the car accident but also days or weeks after. You should also seek follow-up checkups if a new pain or symptom emerges.

Consult an Experienced Personal Injury Attorney

A seasoned personal injury lawyer can offer you insights on your legal options. More importantly, should you decide to pursue a case in court, he or she will provide legal representation.

Want to have your case reviewed? Get in touch with our highly experienced Las Vegas personal injury attorney. Look to Dan Lovell of Empire Law Group.